Network Navigator Program

Engage in Mile High SHRM with a Network Navigator

Do you want to attend a Mile High SHRM event but are nervous you won't know anyone there? Would you like assistance navigating your MHSHRM membership and benefits? Look no further-we have Mile High SHRM Network Navigators who would love to meet you! Whether you’re a brand-new member or have been part of the MHSHRM community for a long time, the Navigator Program connects members with volunteers who are well-versed in the details. 

Navigators will

  • Show you around at events and network with you and other members!
  • Help you make the most of your membership by explaining benefits and answering questions.
  • Create a memorable and connected experience for you as part of the MHSHRM community.

Get a Network Navigator

Ready to meet your Membership Navigator? Sign-up to be Partnered with a Network Navigator and someone will be in touch with you soon!

Navigators are assigned for up to six months. Looking for a one-year-long, developmental opportunity to grow personally and professionally? Check out our Mentorship Program.

Be a Network Navigator

Love Mile High SHRM and want to guide others through their membership experience? Submit the Become a Network Navigator form and we will connect with you soon on next steps!

Engage. Educate. Empower.

Mile High SHRM
500 Discovery Parkway, Suite 125 | Superior, CO 80027
(303) 465-3522